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Giuseppe's Soccer Mobile

Adaptive Design

Giuseppe wakes up every day with a smile. Like many six year olds, he is highly focused on his passions and he is blossoming. Words and ideas fly out of him fast as a roller coaster careening downhill. “For many years, Guiseppe was not able to share his thoughts,” said his mother Anne. Now, we know that Giuseppe believes all things are possible: He wants to be a fireman, a soccer player, a police officer. He has countless costumes to help him get into character. "He doesn’t want to be one thing. He wants to be everything!”

Giuseppe is the youngest in a large family and he wants to keep up with his siblings when they are playing in the yard or splashing on the beach. Sundays on Long Beach are family time. Grown kids and the littles still at home gather to share large afternoon meals and play soccer in the street in front of Anne’s home. Until recently, Giuseppe could only watch soccer games on the sidelines or lightly hit a ball with his crutches. His hand-eye coordination is developed, but his legs lack the strength to hold up his body and allow him to kick a ball at the same time.

“There really wasn’t any adaptive equipment that would allow Guiseppe to kick a ball,” said Anne. “So I contacted Adaptive Design to see if they could help”.

Adam El-Sawaf, Senior Adaptive Designer at ADA, jumped at the chance to help Giuseppe. “I thought long and hard about the way that Giuseppe needed to be positioned in a chair to kick a ball,” said Adam. “What he really needed was a hybrid scooter/ wheelchair and there is nothing on the market that would fit his young body and give him the leverage he needs to forcefully kick a ball.” Adam pulled on his years as a designer and his love of cars, constructing a one-of-a-kind scooter. “I built a low rider that is responsive to quick turns.” A Cadillac-style tail fin was added to give the scooter a touch of class and functions as an anti-tip structure. “Giuseppe wanted a shiny black scooter with lightning bolts on the side. I basically made a hot rod that looks the part and gets the job done.”

On delivery day, Giuseppe could hardly wait to slide into his hot rod and take off. “This scooter gives Giuseppe so much freedom,” said Anne. I cannot thank ADA enough for taking the time to make a durable scooter that can help make my little boy’s dreams come true.”

ADA never charges for adaptive equipment. We are able to provide these services because of generous gifts from our loyal donors. Please consider helping make more dreams come true! Every gift is much appreciated.

Photos of Giuseppe's Soccer Mobile in-process:


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